Infinity Reborn: Our Journey to 2023 and Beyond

Infinity Labs Community
5 min readJan 11, 2023


Hey explorer!

Happy 2023. So much has happened. From endless partnerships, collabs & integrations, to our 1k+ page/5k+ edit community wiki, to sending our final merging pieces to the International Space Station, Times Square and more, to many new upgrades and metadata, 3D assets, IRL meetups/talks from Lisbon to Art Basel and beyond, to our 1 year anniversary.

Now that 8-timeline merging is live (as of Dec 31, 2022 — Blog post here), we wanted to release a blog post talking a bit about how we think about the future of Infinity Labs.

If you like this blog post, let us know in Discord!

This blog post covers a variety of topics, including:

  1. A Natural Evolution: Infinite Creations from the Original Scenes from the Solverse — A Larger Connected Story and Lore.
  2. Creative Studio Inspirations: Drawing from works of MIT Media Lab meets Web3 Marvel
  3. Our current priorities and thoughts — Putting in our reps as creators and continue igniting a creative community to build on top of our world.
  4. Some current experiments, community experiments & Behind the Scenes (BTS).

In planning for our future we are always keeping in mind that our goal is to encourage and foster the creativity of Infinity Labs and by extension, all of our community.

Infinite Creations from the Original Scenes from the Solverse — A Larger Connected Story

Starting from the original Infinity Labs: Scenes from the Solverse collection, we desire to continuously build on top of it, and continue empowering others to do the same.

We believe that by creating a universe with a larger connected story, we can create experiences and art that are more powerful than the sum of their parts. We’re excited to create something special, and invite you to join us on this journey to infinity.

Creative Studio Inspirations: Drawing from works of MIT Media Lab meets Web3 Marvel

Our ambition is to tell impactful stories that can outlive us. Inspired by both the works of MIT Media Lab and Web3 Marvel, we want to create experiments, experiences and stories that can outlive us, and attract other creators to continue to create and experiment on top of the world.

MIT Media Lab is an interdisciplinary research lab that encourages the unconventional mixing and matching of seemingly disparate research areas, drawing from technology, media, science, art, and design; whereas Marvel is a decades-old entertainment company committed to bringing great stories, characters, and experiences to fans all over the world.

Infinity Labs is inspired by the intersection of both.

A 5-minute video on MIT Media Lab
The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)

If you haven’t already, check out this video of our founder Infinity Eve talking about the origins of Infinity Labs and building to outlive us.

Who we are:

“A project aimed at creating stories that can outlive us, develop and empower experiments, and culture a community of collectors and creators in this world with us — members who are here because they choose to be.”

Who we’re not:

“A project based on hype.”

We aim to make things we’re proud of. We also strive to continue igniting and empowering people to create in the Infinity Labs Universe starting with Scenes from the Solverse, and we’re excited to see how our community will bring that creative spark to life.

The need to focus on what matters — 1000 true fans

“It’s better to have 100 people that love you than a million people that just sort of like you. Find 100 people that love you.” — Paul Graham

It also means we have to consciously make the decision to focus on what matters, and choose to tune out the noise.

Putting in our reps — the quest to empower and become better creative talents in web3 and igniting the community

It’s simple: We want to continue to inspire others to build great things on top of / in the universe.

To create things that people love you must make something you yourself would love and be proud of.

To get attention you must make something worth paying attention to.

Sometimes this isn’t recognized immediately or at all (Van Gogh passed away before his works were recognized), but we always aim to make things we’re proud of.

Some Current, Past and Ongoing Internal Experiments, Community Experiments + Behind the Scenes

We also wanted to show some behind the scenes content! From AR to applications in sound, AI, storytelling, interactivity and presence at in-person events, the team and community have been brainstorming an overall Infinity Labs canon story and conducting experiments!

We hope you enjoyed this post. If you like this behind the scenes type of content, please let us know. Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter here:

Onwards and upwards (literally),

The Infinity Labs Team

