Infinity Labs Space: Stay Informed and Connected

Hey Explorer!
In November 2022, we launched our first-ever newsletter edition, the Infinity Labs Space. This newsletter is designed to keep our community informed about the latest happenings, news, and trends in the Solverse and beyond, all in one place.
Watch this video of our newsletter’s inaugural launch:
Since the launch of our newsletter, we have received a positive response from our community that’s why we’re motivated to curate valuable insights and information that we believe will be of interest to our readers.
We know it can be difficult to catch up with Discord and extrapolate all the highlights. So, we created a newsletter where everyone can have a glimpse of all the important happenings and updates in the Infinity Labs and beyond, straight to their inbox.
The newsletter highlights significant happenings and updates on our team. This includes our latest releases, partnerships, events, major milestones by our team, and even broader ecosystem news.
If you missed our previous newsletter publications, we got you! Check them out below:
November Issue
December Issue
We believe that our newsletter is a valuable resource for anyone interested in staying informed about the latest happenings and updates in the Infinity Labs Space and beyond. If you haven’t signed up yet, you can subscribe here.
Thank you for your love and support in our newsletter.
To Infinity. 🚀